Goa govt probe into dustbin purchase irregularities complaint
The Vigilance department of the Goa government began a probe into a complaint that funds were released to a private firm for dustbins at beaches despite none of them being purchased.
Sub Inspector Vijaykumar Chodankar said the statement of complainant Inacio Domnick Pereira of NGO Hope Foundation was recorded Monday morning.
Pereira said, "The dustbins were not purchased but funds were released to Drishti Life Saving Services Private Limited, a private firm, without any proper bills or floating any tender, thereby putting the government at loss."
Pereira has named Goa Tourism Minister Manohar Ajgaonkar, officials of the Tourism department as well Drishti Lifesaving Services Private Limited in his formal complaint.
"The state Tourism department has paid an amount of Rs 63.84 lakh to Drishti Life Saving Private Limited without floating tenders. The matter comes under the Prevention of Corruption Act," he claimed, adding that he had submitted RTI replies along with his ...