The surprising place that you might get targeted by scammers
Looking for love online? Be careful not to get unlucky. Romantic scams on dating websites and through social media are on the rise, according to the Federal Trade Commission.
- Don’t send money. “There is never ever any reason to send money to someone you met on a dating site,” Resnick says. “The only person you should be sending money to on the dating site is the dating site for your monthly subscription.”
- Be careful what you write. A profile that mentions you lost a spouse or are lonely could signal vulnerability and invite scammers.
- Watch your photos. Selfies that are all taken in your house could communicate that you’re lonely and don’t have many friends or family for support. And don’t display aspects of your material wealth such as your car or home. “That’s basically saying: Come take my money from me,” Resnick says.
- Stay local. While there are exceptions to every rule, starting a long-distance romance online could be asking for trouble. Resnick recommends you concentrate on people within driving distance.
- Ask to meet in person within seven to 10 days. You put yourself at risk by building a correspondence-based romance for both heartache and scams. “If they’re not real, they won’t show,” Resnick says.