The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on Monday took suo motu cognisance of a report that more than four months after the disappearance of fishing boat 'Suvarna Tribuja', from Udupi in Karnataka, seven fishermen on board are still missing."Reportedly, the India Navy stopped the search operation after the wreckage of the vessel was discovered 33 km west-south-west off the coast of Malvan in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. The boat had left for a deep sea fishing expedition off the coast of Goa on December 16, 2018," the NHRC said in its statement.The Commission has issued a notice to the Chief Secretary of Government of Karnataka to look into the contents of the media report and take immediate steps to redress the grievances of the relatives and family members of the missing fishermen.A notice has also been issued to the Union Defence Secretary to inform the Commission about the latest update or status of the search operation, made in the meantime, by the Indian Navy in the ..