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LS polls: Election Commission orders re-poll at Faridabad booth

A polling agent was arrested for allegedly attempting to influence voters at a polling booth in Faridabad parliamentary constituency during the sixth phase of voting for Lok Sabha polls on Sunday, prompting the Election Commission to order repolling."A complaint of a violation of the secrecy of voting in polling station 88, Asawati in Prithla constituency of 10, Faridabad parliamentary constituency was reported yesterday. On enquiry by the Observer, the complaint was found to be true. Commission has therefore ordered a fresh poll at this polling station on May 19," the poll body said in a statement on Monday.IAS officer Ashok Kumar Garg has been posted by the Commission as new Returning Officer of Faridabad parliamentary constituency and directed him to join by forenoon on Tuesday."The Faridabad District Election Officer has reported that a polling agent was arrested yesterday and FIR has been lodged. He was trying to influence at least three women voters," the EC said on Monday.An ...

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