Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) working chief Mohammad Azharuddin on Monday demanded the suspension of GHMC Commissioner for allegedly mishandling historical monuments and advised the government to take the responsibility to protect these sites.Azharuddin, former cricketer-turned-politician, said that destroying 200-year-old masjid is not a right act."Recently, I came to know that Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has demolished 200 years old masjid at Amberpet, locally known as Masjid-e-Ek-Khana," he said."As per the reports, for the widening of the road, they have demolished an old monument. After protests by locals, a sum of Rs 2.5 crore as ex-gratia was paid to the masjid area encroachers" said Azharuddin.Azharuddin claimed the Congress party is going to win the Lok Sabha elections and termed Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao's efforts to strengthen the federal front as a useless exercise.