The Congress party built the country's armed forces when Prime Minister Narendra Modi did not know how to wear pants, said Chief Minister Kamal Nath here on Monday."Modi Ji talks about national security. I have only one thing to say to him that when you did not know how to wear pants, then Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi had built the country's armed forces," said Nath, while addressing an election meeting."Many fearsome terrorist attacks have taken place under the BJP regime. When the Parliament was attacked in 2002 and Pulwama attack this year, the BJP was in power," he said.Intensifying his attack on the Prime Minister, Nath said: "I heard that PM Narendra Modi was here in Ratlam in the morning. He has been speaking lies for five years. I have only one thing to say to him -- You have 140 hours left. Narendra Modi said he will protect tribal people but where was he for the last five years."On the issue of farm loan waiver, Nath said: "PM Modi said that loans of farmers ...