Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Monday lashed out at the BJP stating that its leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi were caught up in the delusion of power and in their heightened arrogance had stopped caring for the welfare of the poor.Priyanka during a roadshow here shook hands with people along the route and at one point even took a potshot at "defence expert" Prime Minister Modi. She was accompanied by Kamal Nath and Bhupesh Bagel, chief ministers of Madhya Pradesh and Chhatisgarh.She took a pot shot at Modi during the roadshow."He is such a defence expert that he decided himself on who will manufacture planes, he decided those who have never made a plane in their lives will make it," she said in an apparent reference to the Rafale deal.The Congress leader also hit out at the PM apparently for his claim during a recent TV interview where he said clouds and rain can help the IAF fighter jets evade detection by the Pakistani radar during airstrike in Balakot."He ...