After treating fans with the inspirational song 'Akela', filmmakers of Arjun Kapoor starrer 'India's Most Wanted' is all set to release a second track from the film.Arjun posted the song poster on his Twitter handle and wrote, "Here's Team Indias Most Wanted saluting the unsung brave hearts who protect us day and night. Also, stay tuned for Vande Mataram tomorrow."In the poster shared by the 'Ki and Ka' actor, he along with the cast of the film can be seen saluting all the unsung heroes and their brave heroic works.Though not much is known about the song, the song seems to be a patriotic one which will instil the feeling of patriotism in the fans and viewers.It appears to have been crooned by Papon, composed by Amit Trivedi and penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya as the actor has tagged all of them in his Twitter post.Providing a sneak peek into the making of the song, the actor also uploaded pictures on his Instagram stories from behind the scenes."Proud India, Vande Mataram," he ...