Matt Hancock urges Britain’s broadcasters to screen live Conservative Party leadership debates
MATT HANCOCK is urging the nation’s broadcasters to screen live Tory Party leadership debates – for a “truly national” contest.
The Health Secretary wrote to ITV, BBC, Sky and Channel 4 to ask them to provide the forum for a live showdown between all those in the race to replace Theresa May.
He also wants newspapers to host ‘livestream’ debates.
It came 24 hours after Dominic Raab, the bookmakers’ second favourite, challenged his rivals to televised contests.
His call was immediately backed by ex-Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom.
But Mr Hancock goes further by formally asking TV chiefs to put together a package.
He wants a two separate showdowns – between all candidates and then again when a final two are picked by MPs.
In a letter seen by The Sun, the Cabinet Minister says while it’s just Tory members that vote in the leadership election, candidates should be “put through their paces at all stages.”
He says: “While the outcome of this leadership contest will be shaped by Conservative MPs and ultimately decided by Conservative Party members, it will affect everyone in the United Kingdom.
“This contest is not just about who leads our party but who leads our country
“Rather than just an internal facing party conversation we need a truly national debate about the future direction of the UK.
“So I believe your audience should have the chance to see all the candidates put through their paces live and in front of the nation, at all stages of this contest.”
He adds: “It is in the interests of the Conservative Party for MPs and party members to see how well candidates stand up to the scrutiny that live, televised debates would bring before they make their choice.
“We need a serious debate about how we both deliver Brexit and move forward to tackle the other big issues that matter to the people.”
Sources yesterday warned a leadership contest could “expose” the huge differences over Brexit and wreak further damage on a party reeling from its worst poll in modern history.
One said: “It could turn out to be a race to the bottom.”
But a Matt Hancock campaign source said the winner of the contest has to be a credible candidate, able to show they can “bring our country back together.”
The source said: “So we should start the process now, and find ways to engage people who aren’t necessarily Tory Party members in this contest.”
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