Backyard DIYs you must do this summer
This content is sponsored by Long Fence
Summer is right around the corner and while the nice weather comes out, it’s time to get outside and liven up your backyard. Here are 10 fun DIY ideas to make your backyard more interesting.
Adding an outdoor movie screen to your backyard is easy. Directions are here
Painting rocks and putting them in your garden adds color to an otherwise boring looking soil and dirt.
Filling a chandelier with birdseed is a great way to re purpose an old chandelier.
Hanging your plants in something other then a hanging basket will look cool in your backyard.
You can use your mailbox as an alternative for an outdoor toolbox.
Save your pinecones for your garden bedding. This will help keep any cats or dogs out of your garden and add a
Using a soap dish gives a cool way to showcase your small plants.
Upside-down wine bottles make for a creative way to do edging in your garden.
Using stone tiles in the garden create an for an easy walkway.
Make a rope swing for your backyard. It can be easy as this.