John Bailey, president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and his wife Carol Little visited the Taj Mahal on Monday.Captivated by the beauty of the Taj Mahal, the monument of love, which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Bailey told ANI that the experience is even better than a movie."All Americans have an understanding of the importance, the symbolic and cultural aesthetic and beauty of the Taj Mahal. So, for us to actually see it live is like, better than a movie," Bailey told ANI.The couple was received by the mayor of Agra, Navin Jain. During his interaction with the mayor, Bailey discussed the future collaboration between Indian and American cinema."Just in the few days that we have been here, Carol and I have begun to get an understanding of the richness, diversity and all the languages that Indian cinema is produced in. We are still just discovery since there are more movies made in India than anywhere else in the world, maybe 3 or 4 times more than we .