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Новости за 01.05.2019

"It Is About Time": Rep. Ilhan Omar on Supporting Impeachment of Trump & Medicare for All

Democracy Now! 

Congress held a historic hearing on Medicare for all on Tuesday, opening with an emotional testimony from activist and lawyer Ady Barkan, who is dying of terminal ALS. We speak to Representative Ilhan Omar about yesterday's hearing and her support for overhauling the country's healthcare system in favor of Medicare for all. We also talk to her about ongoing efforts to impeach President Donald Trump, which she says she supports.

Tränengas und Hunderte Festnahmen bei Pariser Mai-Kundgebung

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Am Rande einer Gewerkschaftskundgebung zum 1. Mai ist es in Paris zu Ausschreitungen gekommen. Die Polizei setzte im Süden der Hauptstadt Tränengas gegen gewalttätige Demonstranten ein, wie der Nachrichtensender BFMTV am Mittwoch berichtete. Allein in Paris seien mindestens 249 Menschen vorläufig festgenommen worden.

Erste Krawalle am Rand der Mai-Kundgebungen in Paris

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Am Rande der Mai-Kundgebungen in Paris hat es am Mittwoch erste Krawalle gegeben. Polizisten setzten im Süden der französischen Hauptstadt Tränengas ein, um Randalierer auseinander zu treiben. Ein Demonstrant erlitt eine Kopfverletzung.

Aytunç Çıray: “Cumhurbaşkanı burayı kapatır”


Aytunç Çıray: “Cumhurbaşkanı burayı kapatır”
İYİ Parti Genel Başkan Yardımcısı ve İzmir Milletvekili Aytunç Çıray sosyal medyadan İstanbul 3.Havalimanına tepki gösterdiği paylaşımında, “Sn Cumhurbaşkanı lütfen bir kez tarifeli uçağa binsin, muhtemelen burayı kapatır” ifadelerini kullandı.

My first live match!!


The Lounge

Statistics : 10 Replies || 291 Views Last post by nm462272

Новости России

"Московское "Динамо" со счетом 4:0 обыграло "Динамо" из Махачкалы в РПЛ

Strategic Baloney Bingo

StopFake.org (en) 

By EU vs Disinfo The Strategic Culture Foundation – a Russia-based think tank frequently featured in our data base – published an article on the Notre Dame fire, written by

Huawei is reportedly preparing a 5G 8K TV for later this year

The Verge 

Huawei is planning to release an 8K 5G TV by the end of this year, a new report from Nikkei claims. According to sources familiar with the company’s plans, the set would include a 5G modem to allow it to stream remote content directly without the need for a cable box or fixed-line internet connection, and it could even act as a router for other internet-connected devices in your home.

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Huawei is reportedly preparing a 5G 8K TV for later this year - The Verge


  1. Huawei is reportedly preparing a 5G 8K TV for later this year  The Verge
  2. Huawei is the only major smartphone brand still growing in China. Apple is fading fast  CNN
  3. Huawei ahead of Apple in Q1 2019 smartphone shipments  CNBC
  4. Huawei’s phone sales are ballooning while Apple and Samsung’s slump  The Verge
  5. Smartphone market down 6% in first quarter as Huawei takes second place from Apple, again  TechSpot
  6. View full coverage on Google News

Former Venezuelan U.N. delegate: 'This is a point of no return'


The former U.N. delegate from Venezuela, Isaias Medina, said Tuesday on “The Story with Martha MacCallum” that there is “no way back” for newly elected president Juan Guaidó and outlined the dangerous situation in his home country.

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