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Новости за 31.07.2019

HDP binasının elektriği de kaçak çıktı!


HDP binasının elektriği de kaçak çıktı!
Mardin merkezli 2 ilde düzenlenen operasyonda HDP binasında kaçak elektrik kullanıldığı ortaya çıktı. DEAŞ yetkilileri, Nusaybin’deki HDP ve DBP ilçe binalarında kaçak elektrik kullanıldığını belirleyerek işlem yaptı.

Dramatic video shows toddler falling from balcony


Video shows a 3-year-old boy clinging to the edge of a sixth floor apartment balcony on Monday. While he dangled high in the air, a group of quick-thinking people below grabbed a blanket and stretched it out. Seconds later, the boy fell safely into the blanket. He was not hurt. Police say he was left alone at home when his grandmother went out for groceries.

Study: Children born to older parents tend to have fewer behavior problems


Since 1995, parents in many Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries and in the United States have been having their first babies at a later age. Amid this trend in delayed childbearing, a new Dutch study considered the behavior problems of children born to older parents. Specifically, researchers looked at externalizing behaviors (e.g., aggression) […]

Re: Maguire


Quote from: Gareth on July 13, 2019, 08:08:51

If we buy another decent "1st-team-ready" CB now, then there's hardly the chance Tosin could come back after another season on loan and make an impact.

So, just not quite good eno...

'The Irishman' Trailer Displays Technology Used to De-Age Robert De Niro - Watch Now!

«Just Jared» 

Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci star in Martin Scorsese‘s movie The Irishman, coming to Netflix and certain theaters in the fall. The film is an epic saga of organized crime in post-war America told through the eyes of World War II veteran Frank Sheeran, a hustler and hitman who worked alongside some [...]

FIFA Best: Neville, Pep, Klopp, Poch listed

Liverpool FC News 

Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp and Mauricio Pochettino have been nominated for The FIFA Best Men's Coach of the Year 2019, while Phil Neville is on a 10-person shortlist for the Women's Coach of the Year.

Новости России

Москва и Петербург лидируют по уровню зарплат для IT-специалистов

Спорт в России и мире

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Готфрид фон Крамм

Звезда «Гонки» Даниэль Брюль снимет байопик о немецком теннисисте Готфриде фон Крамме

Дядя Саша – «птицелов» и «птичник». Камин создаёт и «глушилки», и дроны

В Минкультуры России прошло первое заседание Рабочей группы по культуре Российско-Вьетнамской межправкомиссии

Во Владимире возобновили ремонт улиц в районе вокзала

Чемпионат и первенство ПФО по конкуру завершились в Нижнем Новгороде