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Новости за 14.11.2019

Oil company 'exposed giant loophole' - Energy Minister


Energy Minister Megan Woods is seeking assurances about the Crown's exposure to a troubled Malaysian oil company which she said exposed a "giant loophole" in the Crown Minerals Act when it arrived in ...

Thomas Gaschignard en sécurité à bord d’un bateau accompagnateur

Mini-Transat 6.50 

Langue Français


Thomas Gaschignard (539) a été contraint d’abandonner son Mini 6.50 suite à des problèmes de safran et de pilote automatique. Le navigateur de 26 ans a été récupéré par le bateau accompagnateur Yemanja. Il est en bonne santé et en sécurité. Thomas était à un peu plus de 800 milles de l’arrivée au Marin au moment de quitter son bateau.




Jeudi, 14 Novembre, 2019 - 17:15

Newsonomics: With its merger approved, the new Gannett readies the cost-cutting knife

Nieman Journalism Lab 

You think $300 million in costs cut is a big number? Try $400 million. Or more than $400 million. Those are the internal numbers in the air as America’s two largest newspaper chains, Gannett and GateHouse, try to land their megamerger, first announced in August. Follow the money: When I first wrote about this potential...

from when are we celebrating Children's Day ?

Paper Blog 

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is remembered this day – he was born this day 130 years ago ! The First Prime Minister fo the Nation passed away on 27th May 1964.  He is fondly known as Chacha Nehru and today has been celebrated as ‘Childrens’ Day’ in India.

In 1949, Japan was facing difficult times because of World War II and over 67 of its cities were hit by the United ...

US long-term mortgage rates rise; 30-year at 3.75%

«Star Tribune» (startribune.com) 

U.S. long-term mortgage rates rose this week amid optimism over prospects for the U.S. economy. Rates remain at historically low levels, however, as an incentive to prospective homebuyers.

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Раиса Чебаника

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Пожарные ликвидировали возгорание в ДК на Ленинском проспекте в Москве

В заповеднике коал людям запретили брать животных на руки

Врач Мескина: если у человека сильный иммунитет, то он не заболеет от сквозняка

Атомфлот отчитался о рекордных показателях перевозок по Северному морскому пути