Judge the presentation
Every now and then, controversies shroud the Nepali movie industry, with criticisms from the critics and reviewers about the copied plot. Are we short of our own type of story line? Some moviemakers try to give a different taste, so they start watching all types of intercontinental movies, and when they find the right fit, they put all their effort and energy to bring it onto the silver screen.
When the movie is out, lopsided reviews flood the atmosphere on the basic of the plot than anything else. In this regard, why can’t the movie reviewers and critics show enough liberalism to write, “The movie is inspired by -name of movie – and country,” and then write a fair review about the presentation and other aspects of the movie? Recently, a movie was accused of copying the plot from a Turkish movie. Regarding this, let’s say you watched the movie, and you absolutely loved the plot, presentation and characterisation.
Later, you came to know that it was copied. What would you do? Ask for a refund or do not bother as you have already got your investment’s worth? Let’s say, you already knew that it was a copy, will you give it a try for its presentation or start defaming it? A movie not only runs on the story but also on solid presentation.
Usually, any story is derived from a simple formula and connects the introduction, conflict and conclusion in the plot. Let’s say a moviemaker adopts a movie concept from Turkey, and then changes the conclusion from a happy ending to a sad one or vice versa, and the presentation happened to be absolutely phenomenal.
Somebody, after doing intensive research, found this out, how should we react? Can’t we dare to give the moviemakers accolades for the presentation?.
Just by knowing the fact that it has been copied, let’s say inspired, should we forget all their hard work, investment and start the blame game? Nothing is new when it comes to the story, nevertheless, the presentation can be improvised.
So, rather than defaming movies due to the inspired plot, let’s try to find the nitty-gritty of the presentation like camera work, acting, location and verisimilitude.
If you haven’t watched the source movie, and positive word-of-mouth is spreading, then do not hesitate to give it a try. Who knows someday your story might see the light of day with the best possible presentation with credits running – inspired from the true events of Mr/Mrs XYZ.
The post Judge the presentation appeared first on The Himalayan Times.