The archaeology of Lampedusa
Anthony Bonanno and Ruben Borg will give a presentation about the archaeology of Lampedusa tomorrow at the National Museum of Archaeology, Republic Street, Valletta at 6pm.
During the lecture, entitled ‘Mission Impossible: the Archaeology of Lampedusa in Three Days. Episode 2’, the speakers will give an account of their findings during a visit to the island in July 2016.
Among others, they will speak about the very faint circular markings on the ground, which suggest possible prehistoric huts, as well as a preliminary assessment of claimed ‘prehistoric sculptures’. They will also discuss the vulnerability of coastal heritage structures with particular reference to building and structural typologies on the island.
The presentation will be held tomorrow at the National Museum of Archaeology, Republic Street, Valletta at 6pm. It forms part of the series of public lectures being organised by The Archaeological Society Malta. For further details visit