What happened on... May 28
25 years ago - The Times
Saturday, May 28, 1994
MLP steps up drive against VAT
The European Union is prepared to discuss with a new Labour government the opposition’s policy for a long-term agreement of between 10 and 15 years which would lead to a zone of free industrial trade between Malta and the EU, without the need to introduce value added tax, Dr Alfred Sant said.
The Labour leader was addressing small businessmen and owners of Sta Venera shops whom he told that Labour’s policy on the EU would not hinder trade between Malta and EU countries and could be put into effect from now. On the other hand, he pointed out, Malta’s application for full membership of the EU would be taking years and did not suit the country, creating serious difficulties for the future.
Dr Sant said the opposition would oppose the introduction of VAT with every legal and democratic means. The MLP would continue creating opposition to VAT, would be holding a national protest against it and a Labour government would dismantle it.
The government, he said, had not yet completed the study of the social impact of VAT bust still insisted on introducing the tax from next January 1.
Half a century ago - Times...