The Hoddle of Coffee: Tottenham Hotspur news and links for Tuesday, May 28
Mauricio Pochettino, he’s weird, you know. Hello, all!
I’ve made the discovery that being inside of a blanket is much warmer than being outside of one. Shocking, I’m aware.
Ramble of the Day
At this point, Mauricio Pochettino is essentially a known quantity. His football philosophy has been discussed at length. There’s enough information out there about his playing career, and his own life. There’s even a book that fills in the other remaining details. Yet, as much as we know Pochettino and like to talk about Pochettino, one thing continues to not get the attention it deserves. The man is extremely peculiar — dare I say, positively weird — and it is extremely entertaining and amusing.
Never was this clearer on Friday, a day I spent le...