Trump Physicist Compares ‘Demonization’ Of Carbon Dioxide To ‘Jews Under Hitler’
A Trump administration physicist — who is pushing to create a panel with the purpose of debunking climate change — told the New York Times that he thinks the “demonization” of carbon dioxide is similar to the way Jewish people were treated under Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany.
“The demonization of carbon dioxide is just like the demonization of the poor Jews under Hitler,” William Happer, a former Princeton physicist who serves on Trump’s National Security Council as Trump’s deputy assistant for emerging technologies, told the Times.
Happer has pushed to create a climate review panel that would essentially question the conclusions reached by a widely accepted methodology for assessing climate change. It’s just one portion of the administration’s broader effort to dismantle former President Barack Obama’s efforts to cut back on greenhouse-gas emissions.
Most recently, Trump’s head of the United States Geological Survey, James Reilly, has directed that all assessments conducted by his office only make projections on the effects of climate change through 2040. Previously the office made projections through the end of the century.