Odisha DGP reviews preparations ahead of Jagannath Yatra
Odisha DGP Dr Rajendra Prasad Sharma on Tuesday chaired a preparatory meeting over the logistical arrangements in place for the upcoming rath yatra in Puri."We held a preparatory meeting of police officers for the annual Jagannathpuri rath yatra. It is an international event where nearly a million people gather every year. Massive arrangements are made every year but because of the recent cyclone Fani, massive damage has been caused to the Puri town which affects the security arrangement also," Sharma said while addressing media."Our basic concern is to repair the buildings and traffic posts damaged by the cyclone so that we don't face any logistics problems. Secondly, we have to look after crowd management where we employ the services of OSAF (Odisha Swift Action Force) and RAF (Rapid Action Force) and hope to get their services for this year's yatra as well," he added."We have geared up our intelligence system to keep a sharp watch on any kind of suspicious activities. In the wake ..