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Новости за 24.12.2020

Have fish quotas had their chips?

BBC News (UK) 

The humble tattie has become a part of the Brexit negotiations as the EU puts pressure on the government in London.

Nostalgia, Protest and a 9/11 Everyday


In 1971, an important year for antiwar protest in the US, Abbie Hoffman (Soon To Be A Major Motion Picture, 1980) encountered a group of young people dressed in hippie garb. He greeted them and asked where they were headed to from Greenwich Village in Manhattan. They responded that they were going to a celebration in More

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17 spannende Filme für die ganze Familie


Was passiert, wenn man Menschen mit verschiedenen Geschmäckern, Persönlichkeiten und Ansprüchen in ein Haus steckt? Nein, nicht Big Brother. Okay, doch, auch. Aber ich meine die Familie.

In einer Familie treffen nicht nur verschiedene Interessen, sondern vor allem diverse Reifegrade aufeinander. Da Unterhaltung zu finden, die für alle gleich spannend ist, scheint nahezu unmöglich. Vor allem, wenn es um Filme geht, ist es besonders schwierig die Balance zwischen Entertainment und pädagogischem Anspruch zu halten. Читать дальше...

Argentina authorizes Sputnik V vaccine; first batch of 300.000 doses expected on Thursday

«MercoPress» (en) 

Argentina's health ministry said on Wednesday it has given the controversial Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine "emergency" authorization, making the country the first in Latin America to do so. The first shipment of the total 25 million doses of the vaccine bought by the Argentine government is due to arrive on Thursday.

NGT directs Power, Coal ministries to undertake safety audit of thermal power s...


“We also direct the Secretaries, ministries of Power and Coal, Government of India, in coordination with such other Departments/Institutions as may be necessary, to undertake safety audit of similarly placed thermal power stations, throughout the country expeditiously, preferably within six months, to avoid recurrence of such incidents in future,” the NGT said.

Новости России

19 июля: какой сегодня праздник, что было в этот день

⏮ Classic Encounter: Forest Green Rovers 1 City 3


Club News

Jed Penberthy reports on a Classic

Ahead of the Boxing Day clash with second place Forest Green Rovers, we reminisce on the first ever Football League encounter between the two sides.

Hugo Chávez and Maoism: A Conversation with Chris Gilbert


Professor of political science at Venezuela’s Bolivarian University, Chris Gilbert is creator and co-host of Escuela de Cuadros, a Marxist educational program broadcast in Venezuelan public television and a participant in the Barcelona-based project Seminari Taifa. Gilbert’s articles have appeared in Rebelión, LaHaine, Monthly Review, and CounterPunch, and he has coauthored the recently-published book Venezuela, More

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Саснович вышла в четвертьфинал турнира WTA-250 в Будапеште

В телефоне у растоптавшего крест блогера обнаружили детское порно

Врач Григорьев призвал не игнорировать приступы сильной головной боли

Где купаться в Подмосковье? - Роспотребнадзор признал безопасными 48 пляжей

Минсельхоз России усилит поддержку экспорта молочной продукции