After Rashtriya Janata Dal's (RJD) poll debacle, party supremo Lalu Prasad seems to be in shock, according to RJD youth wing leader Abhay Singh and doctors treating him at RIMS hospital.RJD suffered its worst ever set back in the recently held parliamentary elections as it failed to open its account in the Bihar - a stronghold of the party.Confirming the reason behind the former Bihar Chief Minister's anxiety, Singh, who on Saturday met Lalu, said that the party chief is shocked due to the result."Our prime concern is his health. He is shocked with results," Singh said.Meanwhile, Dr Umesh Prasad, who is supervising his treatment, said that due to anxiety the ailing RJD chief has stopped taking food from past few days due to the poor performance of the party in the Lok Sabha elections.It was expected that on May 25, many big wigs from the party may visit the RJD supremo, but unfortunately, only a few local party office bearers turned up to visit him.Yadav has been skipping lunch for ...