Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) on Tuesday set up 30 extra water filling stations and deployed 120 water tankers as around 17,000 bookings for payment tankers are pending at various divisions in Hyderabad and Secunderabad."HMWSSB has received more bookings for water tankers from consumers and around 17000 bookings are still pending. Taking a note of it, we have deployed 30 extra water filling stations and 120 water tankers in Hyderabad and Secunderabad," HMWSSB said."HMWSSB is supplying around 448 million glances of water to consumers in twin cities. Earlier, we used to supply only 160 sq km but now we are supplying around 1400 sq km to 9.65 lakh consumers. Due to the depletion of groundwater in summer, all people are depending on HMWSSB. The demand for water has been increased by 25 to 30 per cent. In order to cater to the demand, we have deployed 800 tankers with a capacity of 5 kl to 20 kl," Director and Revenue Officer HMWSSB B Vijay Kumar Reddy ...