'Look at this! They say we don't exist!'
Declaring they’ve found freedom from homosexual and transgender practices, an estimated 200 men and women from across the nation engaged in the second annual “Freedom March” in Washington, D.C.
“Look at this! This is amazing! They say we don’t exist!” said author and documentary producer M.J. Nixon, a March co-founder, as many gathered for a group picture, reported LifeSiteNews.
At a rally on the grounds of the Washington Monument, Jeffrey McCall, a former transgender, said none of the participants were forced to change.
“It was the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of Jesus Christ that fell on all of us,” he said.
LifeSiteNews reported Angel Colon, a survivor of the Pulse Nightclub massacre Orlando, told his testimony of conversion.
“As I lay on the ground shot multiple times — couldn’t move — I said to the Lord, ‘I am not leaving this building dead tonight,'” he said.
Colon said he vowed to God, “I am leaving here alive and when I do, I am going to worship you for the rest of my life.”
He’s now traveling the world telling his story.
“That promise was not easy at all, but look at today,” said Colon. “Look at all these overcomers here, celebrating that there is change in Jesus Christ.”
He said: “Our identity is not in our sexuality; it is in Jesus Christ.”
Another Pulse Nightclub survivor, Luis Ruiz, said his conversion wasn’t a “gay to straight thing,” it was a “lost to saved thing.”
After the rally, the group marched around the Washington Monument to the Ellipse and back, chanting, “The Lion of the God of Judah is roaring, he’s roaring, to set the captives free.”
Ruiz’s testimony was spotlighted by Anne Paulk, director of the Restored Hope Network, in an interview in February with WND.
Restored Hope, Paulk explained, is a coalition of local ministries, pastors and counselors that, through the power of God, have seen many people experience “a radical change of feelings and behavior and identity.”
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