Been to the funeral of a lad who was mates with my lad through senior school and then 6th form, 17 years young.
Tragically took his own life.
The most emotional funeral I've had to attend (unsurprisingly) and had me more choked than attending anybody else's, including my grandparents, my dad, my in laws and one of my best mates wives.
Effing awful.
How 5 people read tributes I'll never know. So brave and eloquent, but seeing 2 parents go through that with their other (3 year old daughter) child with them, will never leave me.
All the lads mates have gone round to one of their houses to be together after the wake to be together and have a drink and send him off in their own way. They were all broken today. Struggling to understand how their mate who took 10 GCSE's and got 4 A stars and 6 A's and was happy go lucky isn't here with them.
Never have I wanted him to get home so much, so we can give a kiss and hug and tell him how much he's loved. I'm still choked up