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Новости за 24.11.2024

Firm Architects designs APPM office to evoke the "battle between water and clay"


Landscapes of the Netherlands informed the design of this office in Hoofddorp by local studio Firm Architects, which features a curving brick wall and reflective materials referencing the role of water in Dutch culture. The 675-square-metre workspace belongs to APPM, a management consultancy that works across infrastructure, sustainable mobility and the energy transition. Responding to

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A brief intro to DMSO by ADV


(NaturalNews) I first learned about DMSO in naturopathic college in a sports medicine lecture in 2006. It was mentioned as an important remedy for pain and nothing...

NHM Commons Museum Wing and Community Hub / Frederick Fisher and Partners


The NHM Commons project is the Museum's new wing and a community hub, comprising approximately 75,000 square feet of new construction, renovated space, and landscaping on the west end of the Museum that faces Exposition Park and the new Lucas Museum of Narrative Art. NHM Commons will serve as both a destination and a gateway to the Museum and builds on NHM's unique outside-inside experience. It expands the existing main south entrance and is designed to offer an inviting, transparent "front porch" to the NHM campus... Читать дальше...

Новости России

"Зенит" обыграл "Динамо" в Москве: счет 3-1 в пользу гостей

Спорт в России и мире

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Веснина о разгромной победе на парном «Уимблдоне»-2017: «Федерер спросил: «А вы меня научите так финалы выигрывать?»

Серые схемы в ипотеке: как брокеры и застройщики обманывают россиян

В Москве открыли мемориальную доску Виктору Тихонову

Писатель Виктор Николаев поделился с челябинцами своими мыслями о ценностях жизни

Вид Байкала из кабины пилота покорил соцсети