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Новости за 25.11.2024

Indian national charged in Singapore for molesting women on SIA flight

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

A 73-year-old Indian national, Balasubramanian Ramesh, faces seven molestation charges in a Singapore court. He is accused of molesting four women multiple times during a Singapore Airlines flight from the US on November 18. He is expected to plead guilty on December 13 and could face up to three years in jail and a fine for each charge.

Jockeys to get the footballer treatment in Newbury initiative


JOCKEYS have jumped at the chance to make a name for themselves.

For the first time over the sticks all the riders will have their surnames printed football-style – on their backsides.

Harry Cobden, Brendan Powell and Harry Skelton will all be centre stage

It’s all part of the ‘Under Jockeys Orders’ raceday on Coral Gold Cup at Newbury on Saturday.

The fun initiative, which will feature on the ITV4-televised card, aims to bring racegoers and jockeys closer together. Читать дальше...

QNAP NAS users locked out after firmware update snafu

The Register 

Affected customers gripe about storage biz's tech support

Owners of QNAP network-attached storage (NAS) boxes are finding that a firmware update has left them unable to log into their device, and a reset doesn't seem to fix the issue.…

Новости России

Гастрольный форс-мажор: Театр Дениса Матросова едва не остался без сценических костюмов

CBI chair accuses government of treating employers as ‘cash cow’ - The Guardian

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. CBI chair accuses government of treating employers as ‘cash cow’  The Guardian
  2. Budget tax rises will make it harder to hire, says CBI  BBC
  3. What do businesses say the Budget means for the jobs market?  The Independent
  4. ‘We had no alternative’: Reeves defends her budget to the CBI  The Guardian
  5. UK business cutting back growth plans after Budget tax rises, warns CBI  Financial Times

Наталья Захарова. Кататония

Блог сайта «Антимракобес» 

В ближайший четверг, 28 ноября в Нейрокампусе, состоится лекция Натальи Захаровой, ведущего научного сотрудника Института персонализированной психиатрии, неврологии и наркологии МНИЦ им. Бехтерева, посвященная кататонии. На лекции будут представлены сведения о развитии представлений о кататонии, критерии диагностики и дискуссии о нозологической принадлежности, подробно проанализированы данные о ее биологических основах, методах лечения и перспективах изучения.

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