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Новости за 26.11.2024

The Best Cards To Support Any Pokémon TCG Pocket Deck


Collecting cards is super satisfying in Pokémon TCG Pocket, but a lot of people have fun building decks to compete with each other. Although most will want to create a top meta deck to help them become the very best like no one ever was™, that can take a while given how the RNG booster packs work. That’s not to say…

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Новости России

Time to Cashmere

Victor Ramirez is won Fedebol WBA champion  – World Boxing Association

Saddo's Boxing Site 

The Argentine heavyweight, Victor Emilio Ramirez was consecrated by knockout in the first round as Fedebol champion of the World Boxing Association (WBA) against the experienced Bolivian, Ricky Torrez.  The 10-round bout was the main event of the evening organized by Silvia Portillo, which took place at the Polideportivo Vecinal San Francisco Solano, in the …

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