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Новости за 27.11.2024

Easy last minute Thanksgiving sides: Get the recipes!

NBC News 

“Top Chef” winner and author of “Sun-Kissed Cooking: Vegetables Front and Center” Brooke Williamson stops by the TODAY kitchen to share two recipes for easy last minute Thanksgiving sides guaranteed to wow your guests. Recipes include a cheddar cornbread and crispy sweet potatoes with red curry labneh. Get the recipes!

Taming big data and particle beams: How researchers are pushing AI to the edge


Every day, researchers at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory tackle some of the biggest questions in science and technology—from laying the foundations for new drugs to developing new battery materials and solving big data challenges associated with particle physics and cosmology.

An operatic experience like no other: 'The Opera Locos' returns to Paris

France24.com (en) 

Exposing children to opera is not always easy. Traditional productions can last three hours or more, but a French show called "The Opera Locos" is trying to change that. It's made up of five slightly crazy singers, including our guest Laurent Arcaro. We spoke to him in Entre Nous.

Will John Thune Defy Donald Trump?


Mitch McConnell's successor suggested he might need to “put the brakes” on the incoming president. But how much of a check will he actually be on Trump's power?

Новости России

В Республике Татарстан пройдет региональный отборочный тур фестиваля детского творчества «Добрая волна»

Спорт в России и мире

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Названо место Рыбакиной в рейтинге лидеров WTA по призовым за сезон

На Всероссийском музыкальном конкурсе жюри не стало присуждать первую и вторую премии

Гу Хайлун: у русского стиля прочная база, не нужно ей пренебрегать

Портал Макгруп – всё для работы с бытовой техникой

Водитель Mitsubishi насмерть сбил женщину на севере Москвы