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Новости за 17.12.2024

New banking data reveals 'huge' leap within India business corridor


Trade between India and the UK boomed in 2024. HSBC data reveals payments from India to UK businesses jumped 121%. Payments from UK businesses to India also grew by 32%. Client referrals between HSBC India and HSBC UK increased. Both governments plan to restart FTA talks in 2025. This could further boost the GBP 42 billion trade relationship.

Mike's Blog Roundup

Crooks and Liars  

Crooked Timber - Cis privilege is real;

Joe.My.God - Trumpers threaten news outlets with lawsuits over nominee coverage;

No More Mr. Nice Blog - maybe Dems didn't so do badly?

Popular Information - Zuckerberg: from tolerance to Trump;

The Mahablog - ripped from the headlines!

Send tips to MBRU@crooksandliars.com

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Nieuw adviesbureau opgericht: The Change Collective

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

Nederland is een organisatieadviesbureau rijker: The Change Collective. Het nieuwe Amsterdamse bureau is onlangs opgericht door de vier partners Jaap van den Hoek, Jooske van Bogerijen, Dirk Schrijver en Roeland Dikker Hupkes. The Change Collective richt zich op nieuwe manieren van organiseren, met als doel het creëren van zogenaamde ‘bezielde’ organisaties.De wereld verandert anno 2015 sneller dan ooit te voren. Niet alleen in het bedrijfsleven zorgen de opkomst van digitalisering, Big Data, innovaties... Читать дальше...

How to Change Colors in Microsoft Outlook

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

Microsoft Outlook is an email and personal information management software. It allows users to customize the interface, by changing colors. This feature makes it easier to navigate and also boosts productivity.Changing colors in Outlook is easy. Open Outlook, go to the File tab. Select Options and the General tab. Look for the ‘Color Scheme’ option. Select your favorite color from the drop-down menu. Click OK to apply changes.Changing colors adds a personal touch and makes it easier to differentiate between sections. Читать дальше...

How to Change Color on Microsoft Outlook: Customizing Your Inbox Appearance - Byte Bite Bit

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

Navigating the aesthetics of your email client can be as refreshing as the first sip of morning coffee. We’ve all been there, staring at the screen for hours, our eyes begging for a visual break. That’s where Microsoft Outlook steps in, offering a palette of themes and colors to customize and enhance our digital workspace. Changing the color theme in Outlook is more than just a cosmetic update; it’s a nod to our individuality and a subtle way to improve our daily user experience.When we tinker with the appearance of our Outlook interface... Читать дальше...

How to Change and Customize the Outlook Theme for Your Emails

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

Add some style to your messages Written by: Sandy Writtenhouse Posted on: September 15th, 2022 in: Office Tips If you want to spruce up your emails, you can use a Microsoft Outlook theme. Sometimes called “stationery,” a theme can include font styles, colors, backgrounds, and images which you can customize if you wish.You can pick a theme that applies to all new emails you compose for a simple way to make your messages more attractive. Once you apply one, you can easily change the Outlook theme for a single message or just remove it. Читать дальше...

Change the look and feel of Microsoft 365

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

To change the color of yourMicrosoft 365apps: Open aMicrosoft 365application, like Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. In the top left, selectFile > Options > General > Office Theme. Choose your favorite option. The default theme setting for Microsoft 365 is Use system setting, which matches your selected look in Windows. Note:The themes shown on this page are for the latest versions of Microsoft 365. Your apps may look different in the same themes if you're using an older version. White theme White theme is designed to appear bright... Читать дальше...

Disable Change the color scheme to improve performance message

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

Download Windows Speedup Tool to fix errors and make PC run fasterA Windows 7 user recently wrote to me saying that he kept seeing a Do you want to change the color scheme to improve performance message on his computer and asked me why he kept seeing it, what was the reason and what could he do about it. At times, the scheme was changed automatically, and he even received a notification – The color scheme has been changed to Windows 7 Basic.Specifically, you will see the following message:Do you... Читать дальше...

Change colors in Windows - Microsoft Support

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

You canpersonalize the color or accent color forwindow title bars and borders, the Start button, orthe taskbar. The Dark mode hascolors that are designed to work well in a low-lit environment. This option is forthe Start menu, taskbar, and action center. The Light modeis designed to workwell during daylight hours. If you choose this option,you’ll be able to show an accent color for window title bars and borders. Note:The Light modedoesn't personalize the color of the Start menu, taskbar, and action... Читать дальше...

[PDF] ASL-LEX: A lexical database of American Sign Language | Semantic Scholar

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

Skip to search formSkip to main contentSkip to account menuSemantic ScholarSemantic Scholar's LogoDOI:10.3758/s13428-016-0742-0Corpus ID: 27137739@article{Caselli2017ASLLEXAL, title={ASL-LEX: A lexical database of American Sign Language}, author={Naomi K. Caselli and Zed Sevcikova Sehyr and Ariel Cohen-Goldberg and Karen Emmorey}, journal={Behavior Research Methods}, year={2017}, volume={49}, pages={784-801}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:27137739}}Naomi K. Caselli, Zed Sevcikova Sehyr, K. Читать дальше...

De no-riskpolis: compensatie voor de werkgever bij de loondoorbetaling bij ziekte - WVO Advocaten

Links & Laces Golf Tour 

In Nederland zijn werkgevers verplicht gedurende 104 weken het loon van hun zieke werknemers tot minimaal zeventig procent door te betalen. Met deze periode van 104 weken is Nederland koploper in Europa. In Duitsland geldt bijvoorbeeld slechts een periode van zes weken en in het Verenigd Koninkrijk een periode van 28 weken. Voor veel werkgevers, zeker in het MKB, is deze lange loondoorbetalingsverplichting bij ziekte een enorm risico en een potentieel gigantische schadepost. Logischerwijs is er werkgevers... Читать дальше...

Mariah Carey to perform final Christmas tour show in Brooklyn


BROOKLYN, N.Y. (PIX11) – Mariah Carey, also known as the queen of Christmas, is expected back on the stage Tuesday night in Brooklyn. She was forced to cancel her last three shows due to the flu. Her upcoming performance at the Barclays Center marks the final show of her Christmas Tour. The show kicks off [...]

Новости России

С 2025 года демобилизованные участники СВО бесплатно могут пройти санаторно-курортное лечение в центрах реабилитации Социального фонда

Meet India’s new next-gen boy pop group, First5

The Hindu 

With their first song ‘Tu Aadatein‘ now out, First5 members Yoshi, Tan, Elton, Daksh and their mentor Aksh Baghla speak about what it takes to bring together a pop band and make great music

Спорт в России и мире

Новости спорта

Новости тенниса

Рейтинг ATP. Циципас вернулся в топ-10, Махач дебютировал в топ-20

«Второй Сити» пойдет по проверенному пути

Интерес россиян к парусному спорту увеличился на 30%

Банкротами стали уже более 1,5 миллиона россиян

Патриотический смотр-конкурс для детей и юношества «Я горжусь»