Back to Montreal - A Few Thoughts On 2019 Nationals [Swim Diesel]
Maybe I am partial... but I find Montreal to be a little bit of a magical place. I have many fond memories of that great city, most of them tie back to swimming. We were in town this weekend for our Canadian National Championships and because we "did it right" the swimming was almost an afterthought.
Maybe larger teams don't have a similar experience... I don't know really... but our little ragtag motley crew had a weekend none will soon forget. Because of the current situation with the governing swim bodies we went as different "teams" knowing that we would not be coming home with a banner. Congrats to our friends over at Technosport for bringing that home with pride. What our gang came home with was brother/sister hood, bonding, and laughter. Full bellies, empty mugs, and memories. As a special treat we got to look on as our teammate Greg Streppel took down 5 National Records, including three on the last day.
Now - if I am being honest there was a moment where I considered bailing on the whole weekend. Simply put I have not put in the time this season. I did 7 events, all of them were terrible swims with personal worst times.
But.... I remembered that Masters Swimming is not all about swimming and "Nationals" - although the highest level of competition in our country - should not take itself so seriously. Even our top swimmers are doing this for not much more than personal accomplishment. The meet is a nice device which helps weave us together. In many ways it is an "excuse" to come together from all corners of the country (and some of the States) and do something that is so very important yet also very basic.... build relationship. I was pleased to see people from far and wide that I otherwise would not be able to.
"Road Trips" are almost always a blast. Travel is something I have learned to be important in life, even if it is still in your own country. Get outside your front door and stop looking at the wood paneling. Montreal is beautiful, full of sights, sounds, and experiences that are all unique to their own.
I've found my people, I've found my tribe. I've found people that I care to be around and that add value to my life by just being a part of it.
This is why I came. To see my peeps....
Engage in athletic excursions with my team....
And ya... I even got wet.
For the record - did we ever have a blast!
Until I touch the wall.....
Michael Kenny
Masters Swimmer
Cambridge Mavericks
Marathon Open Water Swimmer
2015-16 Global Swim Series Champion
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