Crew SC helps kick up #StuffTheBackpack donations
COLUMBUS (WCMH) — The Columbus Crew helped with NBC 4’s Stuff the Backpack drive at MAPFRE Stadium Sunday by holding its own Stuff the Stadium event.
The first 1,500 people who donated at the event got into the game for free.
So many throughout central Ohio may not have the means to buy their kids these much-needed supplies. The Stuff the Stadium initiative at MAPFRE seeks to change that.
Honey Whalen came by to Stuff The Stadium to show her children why they should give back.
“It’s important to teach them a lesson and always give back,” she said.
Holly Gilbert with Grove City schools sees firsthand the struggles teachers go through to make sure their students have the supplies they need.
“A lot of times, we spend our own money and pay for things and we’re just trying to find ways to help the student be successful in any environment they’re in,” Gilbert said.
Whalen hopes her contribution will inspire others to come out and do the same.
“Just do your best,” she said. “Reach out for help.”
Now in its second year, NBC 4’s Stuff the Backpack campaign is expanding from one school district last year to 25 this year, targeting schools in Franklin and Licking counties.
All summer long, different businesses and groups in the area are offering discounts and deals for those who donate to Stuff the Backpack. For example, this Wednesday is the last day to get up to six people into the Columbus Zoo for only $4 with a donation to the drive.
Donations can be made in the form of basic school supplies or monetary donations.
Basic school supplies include items such as backpacks, pens, pencils, pocket folders, paper (college and wide-ruled), scissors (blunt and regular), glue sticks, colored pencils, highlighters, rulers, and erasers.