Pixar Movies Ranked From Worst to Best, According to Rotten Tomatoes
Pixar‘s movies are generally considered some of the consistently best-reviewed movies!
We’ve compiled all of the Rotten Tomatoes rankings for every one of the Pixar films and ranked them in order from worst to best.
This ranking includes Pixar’s newest release, Toy Story 4, which is dominating the box office! Find out where Toy Story 4 ranks among the other Toy Story movies…
FYI: If you don’t know, Rotten Tomatoes ranks a movie “fresh,” when “at least 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive,” and ranks a movie “certified fresh” with “a steady Tomatometer score of 75% or higher,” and “at least five reviews from Top Critics,” among other qualifiers.
Click through the slideshow to see the Pixar movie rankings from worst to best…