Taking a dig at West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, BJP leader Mukul Roy used the popular oneliner "yeh trailer hai, film abhi baki hai" as one more TMC MLA, and 10 Zila Parishad members including their chief joined the BJP here on Monday."Yeh trailer hai, film abhi baki hai (This is just a trailer, the film is yet to begin)," Roy said.Adding insult to Banerjee's injury, MLA Wilson Champramary, Dakshin Dinajpur Zilla Parishad President Lipika Roy along with 10 Parishad members joined BJP in presence of BJP leaders Kailash Vijayvargiya and Mukul Roy at party headquarters here.Former MLA and Congress leader Viplav also joined the BJP.Speaking at the occasion, Vijayvargiya reiterated his claim that Trinamool Congress leaders' joining will take place in seven phases like Lok Sabha polls. "I have told you that joining will take place in seven phases. It is the extension of the first phase," he said.Meanwhile, Mukul Roy said that the TMC leaders joining the BJP are an "extension .