Delhi Social Welfare Minister Rajendra Pal Gautam on Monday clarified that statue of Dr BR Ambedkar will not be pulled down, as alleged by the Vice Chancellor of Ambedkar University Anu Singh Lather."We are the believers of Ambedkar. We would rather step down from power than allow such a thing to happen," said Gautam.The Minister said that the Vice Chancellor of the university is making false statements on the matter and is planning to gherao (encircle) the Delhi Secretariat on June 25."For the last 30-35 years, there has been a statue of Dr BR Ambedkar on a piece of land at the Deoli pahadi and an organisation by the name of Dr Ambedkar University used that land to run classes. It has now been allocated for building a hospital and school. But, unfortunately, the VC of the University is spreading misinformation that the Delhi government is trying to pull down the Ambedkar statue," Gautam added.The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader said that he had conducted an inquiry in the matter and ...