Shraddha Kapoor is enjoying her time shooting in Europe for the next schedule of her upcoming film 'Saaho'.The 'Half Girlfriend' actor shared pictures on Instagram stories featuring the entire crew enjoying the view while heading to the top of snow-clad mountains for shooting."Heading on top of the mountain to shoot," she captioned one picture.Giving a glimpse of the shoot location, which was covered with snow all around, the actor wrote, "Saaho, Europe Sched."The 32-year-old actor also shared a picture of herself getting ready in the dressing room with an amazing landscape visible from the window. "Up above the world so high. Saaho, Europe Sched," she captioned the picture.Recently the teaser of the film was released giving a visual treat to the fans with some nail-biting action-packed sequences, amazing stunts, and witty dialogues.The film offers a variety of spine-chilling action sequences - starting from 'Baahubali' actor Prabhas standing at the edge of a tall building and firing .