Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Monday lambasted Canada for its overt and covert support to the Khalistani movement, warning that Toronto's failure to check anti-India activities being carried out from its soil would be detrimental to its own security and interests in the long run.Citing the findings of the John Major Commission into the 1985 Kanishka bombing as a clear endorsement of Canada's failure to act against the Khalistanis operating from its soil, the Chief Minister stated that by allowing the conspirators of the "mass murder", the Canadian government had exposed its true intent. It was more than apparent that Canada had been extending its support to Khalistanis despite New Delhi's protestations.The Commission report has, in its report, itemised the systemic biases of investigative, intelligence and prosecution agencies, to point out that "Despite the principal conspirators being put under surveillance well before the bombing, their conversations recorded, ...