Kathmandu [Nepal], Jun 24 (ANI): Shoyeb Khan, a cricket enthusiast, missed watching the World Cup Cricket 2019 match between Afghanistan and Bangladesh on Monday owing to a channel blackout organized by the Nepali Cable operators as a mark of protest against a new legislation.Despite repeated tries, the 20 years old cricket lover failed to tune in to the channel that aired the match between the two Indian Sub-continent nations."I am a very big cricket fan. I could not watch the game between Pakistan and Afghanistan because of the channel blackouts. The match was scheduled to start at 3:15 pm (local time) and because of the channel blackout, I could not watch it. No channels were on-air and I tried searching time and again," Shoyeb Khan told ANI.Cable TV operators in Nepal shut down the broadcast of foreign channels for a day, as a mark of protest against Advertisement (Regulation) Bill proposed by the government. The 24-hour-long shutdown began at 3 pm on Monday. The protesting ...