In a shocking incident, Masroor Ali Sial, a senior leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), physically attacked senior journalist and president of Karachi Press Club Imtiaz Khan Faran during a talk show on Monday night.The video of the incident was later shared widely on social media.In the video, both Sial and Faran are seen engaging in a heated debate on 'News Line with Aftab Mugheri' show before the PTI leader from Karachi stands up and pushes the journalist to the floor and starts punching him.The two were later separated by other guests on the show and the crew on the set.PTI, which is headed by Prime Minister Imran Khan, has drawn a lot of criticism over the incident.Freelance journalist Naila Inayat said, "Is this Naya Pakistan? PTI's Masroor Ali Siyal attacks president Karachi press club Imtiaz Khan on live news show."Wasay Jalil, member of the 'Voice of Karachi', a US-based advocacy group for the rights of Urdu-speaking people of Karachi, wrote, "Few days back #PTI 's Fawad .