John Oliver Uses Mount Everest Overcrowding to Again Rip Parent Company AT&T, Rickroll Us All (Video)
John Oliver spent Sunday imploring everyone to shut it down with all this Mount Everest overcrowding. The HBO personality also used the opportunity to (again) rip parent company AT&T — he also Rickrolled the hell out of us.
To accomplish both the Everest thing and probably get himself fired, the “Last Week Tonight” host pulled up footage from Discovery Channel’s 2007 docuseries “Everest: Beyond the Limit,” where a climber named Rod Baber was determined to make the world’s highest cell phone call.
“Nice work, Rod. The highest ever cell phone call — that’s incredible,” Oliver said sarcastically. “Or it would’ve been, but unfortunately, Rod had AT&T, so the phone call never went through.”
Also Read: John Oliver Pushes the Case to Impeach Donald Trump (Video)
That’s gonna make the holiday party uncomfortable. Oliver then got more sincere — for like eight seconds.
“I know I give you a hard time, Business Daddy, but the truth is, you’re the only Business Daddy I have. I know that you just want what’s best for me. I’m sure it’s not easy having me as a Business Boy,” Oliver told Randall Stephenson and the other AT&T executives. “I probably don’t say this as often as I should, but I love you Business Daddy. And I hope that we never lose that special connection we have.”
And then the punchline: “I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’m so glad our connection isn’t on your wireless network, because it’s absolutely terrible.”
Simon & Garfunkel get it there too — or at least Art Garfunkel does.
Watch the video above.
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