Jake Tapper Laughs In Mike Pence's Face Over Climate Change Claims
Watching the planet melt down and be destroyed because of global warming is acceptable just as long as we don't raise utility rates, in the World According to Vice President Mike Pence.
The Trump administration is loaded with climate deniers and hucksters doing everything they can to undo all progress the US has made on global warming. They refuse to acknowledge the science community in general.
CNN's State of the Union host Jake Tapper grilled Pence on a host of subjects before finally asking about his views on climate change during Sunday's interview.
Almost immediately, the interview turned cringeworthy on this topic and Pence never recovered.
After Trump's Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats proclaimed climate change a global disaster the administration's EPA rolled back parts of Obama's clean power plan requirements.
"Do you believe think human-induced climate emergency is a threat to the United States?" Tapper asked.
Pence ducked. "Well, what -- what I will tell you is that we will always follow the science on that in this administration.
"The science says it is," Tapper shot back.