Supernatural: 10 Crowley Memes That Will Have You Cry-Laughing
Crowley has gone by many names throughout his time on Supernatural. The King of Hell. Lucky the Leprechaun. King of the Dirt Bags. No matter what moniker he goes by, and whether those around him love him or hate him, the fan base has made clear which side they stand on.
The fandom had a great love for Crowley whether he was the bad guy or the not so bad guy. His biting sarcasm spoke to many in the audience and made for great humor. Memes abound for Crowley, made from his many facial expressions and iconic lines in the show.
10 The King of Social Media
Many a hopeful social media influencer has felt the sting of success without the perks. The far off, distant look in Crowley's eyes and little smile as he realizes things did not go according to plan are all too relatable.
There's a special kind of burn to watching one's creation take off to internet fame and all the while the creator does not get credited. No one understands this as well as Crowley.
9 What are five pigs worth?
Gone are the days when an individual's worth was valued in terms of farm stock. But Crowley's insistence that he is worth at least five pigs left some fans wondering: What would they be valued at?
It's an easy rabbit hole to go down once the fan base starts thinking about it. Only Crowley could set off a crisis of identity with such a simple statement. But the ultimate question is: What are five pigs worth today?
8 Sarcasm Game Too Strong
The fans understand Crowley's pain when it comes to being one of the smartest people in the room at any given time. Sometimes he manages sarcasm that is so perfect that the Winchesters and Castiel take him seriously.
Anyone with a satiric sense of humor knows the frustration of dealing with a clueless audience that doesn't truly appreciate their jokes. Poor Crowley needs to tailor his tone carefully if he wants them to understand.
7 Crowley the Hero
Crowley never wanted to play hero or do the right thing. He played the role of demon so well, he knew the side of evil was where he truly belonged. But Crowley flopped back and forth between ally and foe. Eventually, he pulled a real Winchester move and made the ultimate sacrifice.
This meme perfectly captures the King of Hell's true feelings behind being a protagonist. As many fans know after 15 seasons of the show, it's not fun.
6 Best Friends For Never
For a time when Dean went to the dark side, after having been turned to a demon, he and Crowley palled around a lot. Crowley thought they'd grown a bond that qualified as best friends. Dean's denial of that relationship status stung.
This meme proves that even a crossroads demon can have his feelings hurt. Being evil doesn't mean being devoid of all emotions. It just means they are buried somewhere deep down.
5 No Greater Hell Than School
Crowley gets it. Every student in the history of ever can attest to the hellish nature of attending school. Many a teenager has come home to hear their parents ask this very question and respond with, "It's fine."
The dead look behind the demon's eyes is also a spot-on reaction to how so many students feel, especially by the school year's end. In Crowley's case, he deals with real demons.
4 Bad Special Effects
As much as the fans of Supernatural love the show, it cannot be denied that the special effects started a bit rough. It's hard to watch the early seasons of the series and not make the very same face Crowley is making in this meme.
Sometimes, the fans ask for a lot from a show about two brothers hunting monsters. But the creators can be forgiven, as their skills and their budget have improved.
3 Feeling His Feels
Who doesn't relate to that agonizing over feeling one's emotions? Crowley certainly understands how frustrating and exhausting human emotions are.
When much of his humanity was restored through the blood ritual inflicted on him by Sam, it took its toll on the King of Hell. He fell into a great depression over the ability to sympathize and feel compassion. But as much as he felt, that didn't alter his evil ways.
2 Disney Crowley
It's the horrific crossover nobody asked for. Many fans of the show are in an age range to have fond memories of the Disney Channel introduction to a show.
Crowley's recreation of that nostalgic picture with a bloody angel blade in this meme is hilarious in a terrifying way. There is something whimsical and dark about seeing the show's name in the signature Disney font. But bloody mouse ears are probably not within the company's image.
1 Meme Inception
Technically, this meme features the actor Mark Sheppard, but it's close enough. But what makes it brilliant is how it takes the format of another meme, creating a meta form of communication.
The knowing look in the subject's eyes and pointing the index finger to the temple conveys a complex message that indicates the sentiment that one has fooled the system. If there's anyone that can do that, it's Crowley.