Weekly horoscope for April 19 – April 25 – your week ahead according to Kerry King and her tarot cards
EVERY Sunday, our resident Tarotscope reader Kerry King will be revealing what surprises, challenges and excitement awaits you in the week ahead.
Kerry has been practising tarot readings for the last 20 years, starting from reading for friends to amassing an international client list.
Using her strong intuition and deep knowledge and understanding of the horoscope, she is able to provide accurate and encouraging predictions for the coming days.
Here’s her predictions for YOUR star sign…
ARIES (Ten of Swords, Seven of Wands, The Devil)
The Devil is a danger card for you, Aries, because it speaks of temptation (of which you usually have many!) and falling into an old, bad habit which you KNOW is no good for you.
We all have our own paths of least resistance, but your job this week is to resist it, okay?
The Seven of Wands reveals it may be because you feel under pressure, or have been unfavourably comparing yourself to others in some way.
Perhaps the isolation has you engaging in social media more than usual and, slowly and subtly, it’s getting to you. All those “show reels” of other people’s lives (none of it’s real, you know…).
The Ten of Swords is a powerful message to cut ties with whatever it is that’s creating the root cause of this weakness, of this temptation to revert to an old habit.
Acknowledge it, address it, and save yourself a heap of trouble and heartache. Be strong.
TAURUS (Three of Swords, The Star, Page of Coins)
The Three of Swords shows that you will finally engage with a source of conflict and stress in your life (rather than avoiding or suppressing it, which have been the tactics so far).
Good, it’s time. Whatever has wounded you, it’s time to cut it out of your life so you can heal without being further hurt. Identify the source of the pain… and expel it.
The Star reveals the enormous sense of peace and optimism this simple, but decisive, act will yield. A weight will lift from your shoulders, and you’ll realise anything is possible, you ARE in charge.
The Page of Coins sees this positivity manifest as you making tentative, but positive, steps towards investing in a better future.
You know what you want, and you feel you ARE in control of making that happen… at last. Start planning and preparing for a brighter future.
GEMINI (Four of Wands, Six of Wands, Four of Coins)
Any attempts to identify and acknowledge and ATTACK any areas of your life where you’ve fallen into a dreaded “rut” will be highly successful and rewarding this week, Gem.
It’s not like you to get stagnated, but it happens to the best of us, usually without us even realising it’s happening.
The Four of Coins asks you where you feel bored, frustrated, stuck or thwarted. Zoom in on it. I suspect it’s to do with work or home, as the Four and Six of Wands sail in to ask you to make a bold move, in a positive direction, and take ownership of digging yourself out of this rut this week.
It might entail a change on the horizon, maybe a new role or job, maybe a change of home or location. Whatever it is, know that it will go brilliantly and you’ll look back and wonder why you didn’t do this sooner.
Well, better late than never. Have faith that you CAN climb out of this situation, and reach better, firmer footing.
CANCER (Three of Wands, Four of Coins, The Star)
Look closely around you this week, Cancer, because there is a fleeting opportunity to seize the day and grab hold of one of your glow-iest dreams!
The Star is the tarot’s wish-come-true card, it asks you to have faith that one of yours can happen. The higher you aim, the better the outcome, so resolve to make this a magical week.
The Four of Coins asks you to step up, lean in, put your head out, get involved. Don’t sit back and wait for this to land in your lap, Cancer, you’ve got to put yourself in opportunity’s pathway.
The Three of Wands hints it’s via your network and people you know that this opportunity will emerge from. So, as far as you are able, make this a highly social week.
Skype, call, text, network, email, message etc… Join forums, open up dialogue, introduce yourself, add yourself… basically be a bit pushy. It’s worth it because something amazing will crop up, and you don’t wanna’ miss this!
LEO (Queen of Cups, Nine of Swords, Page of Coins)
You’re worrying and whittling, and feeling a bit overwhelmed with emotions right now, and that is totally understandable, Leo.
The Queen of Cups shows how you feel things more than most, you’re a bundle of emotion, but usually you can “run it off” with high octane adventures and socialising, so having your wings clipped denies you all those usual outlets.
The Nine of Swords shows you’re in danger of letting things bottle up too much, trying to put on a brave face just means your feelings get squashed down into a more intense ball of negative energy, growing in power and depth.
Time to let it all out! Do whatever you do to make yourself unwind and unleash your feelings. A giant soppy film festival, a long chat with your closest pal, a Self Pity Party For One. Get the tissues out and have a giant cry. It’s okay. You need to release this pressure valve.
There are life lessons in all this, Leo, as shown by the studious Page of Coins. Maybe you’ll learn new ways and means of expressing yourself, and recognising when you need to talk. Less stiff upper lip, and more chin-wagging please.
VIRGO (The High Priestess, Three of Coins, The Tower)
Deep down, you feel like “something” is coming, as shown by the intuitive and wise High Priestess.
My mum used to say “I feel it in my water”, which is kind of gross, but I knew what she meant. The Tower reveals that this event may come dressed as a bit of a disaster or setback, and you’ll groan when it arises.
Now, don’t worry or get stressed, because this is only its disguise. Underneath this event comes into your life for a reason; to remove something which is false, fading or negative, so you can rebuild on firmer foundations. Let it happen, let it do its work. The “disaster” is actually a friend to you, in the long run.
The Three of Coins shows that new opportunity will swiftly follow along behind. Someone will emerge to sympathise and offer you something even better.
There is a big and shimmering silver lining here, and it won’t take long for you to see it. So, have faith and relax. It’s all happening for a reason.
LIBRA (Ten of Coins, Two of Cups, Four of Swords)
Sometimes you just can’t reach out to the person you most want to in the way that you want to- things have to go on “pause”, hard though it is.
The Four of Swords and Two of Cups sees you having to do this, and it pains you. Libra, you are ALL about your closest relationships, and you crave affection and contact with those you love. It’s just not possible right now, though, and this is something you’re really wrestling with this week.
Just let yourself, and them, off the hook. Let it be. Have the strength to accept the things you can’t change, and “put a pin” in what you can’t address.
The Ten of Coins reveals you have no need to worry anyway. This relationship is strong enough to withstand this distance, in fact absence may make the heart grow fonder so in the long run this won’t be a bad thing. Have faith in your relationships, don’t worry so much, things will be okay.
SCORPIO (Two of Coins, Nine of Cups, The Wheel of Fortune)
The more you do, the more you’ll achieve this week, Scorpio, so get ready to get busy!
The Two of Coins and Wheel of Fortune sees you broadening your horizons, mixing it up, stretching yourself, identifying challenges you want to overcome.
There is a whole cycle of transformation and change ahead of you, so run towards it, because it’s going to feel good and turn out GREAT.
The Nine of Cups blesses all of your endeavours with success this week, so get involved in as much as humanly possible. Whatever hopes, dreams or ambitions you’ve been daydreaming about, now is the time to make overt moves in their direction.
The Universe will get the hint and bring you opportunity and luck to help you along, you can go further than you currently think is possible.Don’t sit back, don’t relax.
Get involved, get stuck in, make headway on what matters most to you because the stars are aligned to bring you good fortune and success!
SAGITTARIUS (Seven of Wands, The World, Two of Wands)
Now is not the time to back down. The Seven of Wands shows you’ve been tested or challenged about something, and you feel a bit “bristled” by it, so it’s time to show them your mettle and stick up for yourself.
The Two of Wands reveals it’s up to you how you do that- quietly, loudly, through actions or words, directly or indirectly- whatever suits you and the situation. Act quickly though, don’t let this moment pass without a response.
The World shows this conflict has arisen because one chapter is coming to an end, and you’re experiencing the “growing pains” associated with that.
You are readying for a bigger challenge, for a new beginning, and it means that people in your circle get a bit antsy, as they can FEEL that energy brewing and probably worry about what it means for them.
Don’t let that get to you. You DO you. Good things are coming, so don’t shrink from the challenges, run towards them and ROAR!
CAPRICORN (Death, The Fool, Page of Swords)
Should you or shouldn’t you? You’ve been asking yourself this a lot recently, Cap.
The Page of Swords is that pesky on / off, hot / cold energy of uncertainty. And I am here to tell you, this week, that you SHOULD. Whatever it is, do it.
Death and The Fool are incredibly powerful tarot cards about new beginnings and transformations, really quite radical ones too.
There are no half-measures here, it’s time to go ALL OUT on what it is you want to be different in your life. Tinkering with the fringes of the situation doesn’t work, you need to commit and go at it 100%.
This is a key destiny turning point in your life. Don’t let it pass by. Step up and act. Be bold.
You know what my friend: you can achieve anything if you put your mind and energy into it.
AQUARIUS (The World, Ace of Swords, Three of Swords)
I feel like a close relationship or friendship has been suffering with “growing pains” recently, in your life, and it has been painful.
The World shows that a big transition is unfolding, something is ending in order for new energy and opportunity to emerge in its place. This is a natural process, but this week represents the tricky bit: the transitional period.
The Three of Swords shows that this person, or situation, has done you wrong in the past and it’s hard to forgive them. Maybe you’ve only recently discovered their transgression, and it feels too raw.
The Ace of Swords shows that you need to have a very honest and open dialogue about this. Tell them how you feel, ask why they did it, ask them how they feel. Listen more than you talk, but make sure you express yourself.
I don’t know if this is the END END, but it IS the end of this bit. You will either emerge on a new footing, or alone. And, either way, it will be what is meant to be, so don’t resist this happening.
PISCES (Knight of Coins, Temperance, The Hanged Man)
All three of your cards this week, Pisces, speak of the need for patience and ask you to just hang tight, because this won’t last forever you know.
The Hanged Man shows the limbo you’re in, the sense of mounting frustration at not being able to tackle or do the things you want to.
The Knight of Coins sees you roaming around your home, pacing, feeling like you’ve done the same thing over and over, and made all of the changes and improvements you can already. Caged.
Temperance is the positive card here, and points to finding a “new normal” within, a sense of peace and a slower pace of action, and an acceptance of the status quo.
You can’t fight this. These cards are granting you the serenity to accept that which you can’t change, and I feel that will be a game-changer for your peace of mind and anxiety levels this week.
Relax into the flow. Let yourself go with each day’s rhythms. Stop resisting. This isn’t forever.
Kerry King uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 20 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world.
You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at www.kerrykingtarot.etsy.com