Conflicting views on relaxing the restrictive measures
Let everyone resume a normal life, but force everyone to wear a mask , if everyone has got a mask (even the surgical ones)
At the same time, you keep closed mass gathering venues such as restaurants, bars, churches, concert halls etc….. well, the risk would be greatly reduced, and only a fractional part of the economy would suffer.
However SE begs to differ..
Actually the economists that think about opening early making mathematics with comparing lives to money are nothing but gamblers and have no considerations to lost lives.
For those countries who think to open early, like in Italy, United States and others the main idea is that “only 2% of those who get affected die, so what?” they are not ready to bare the cost of saving these lives.
What Cyprus is doing has a cost, no one can deny that, but it is a great thing, and it is the restrictions that have been imposeD that made the number of infections and deaths so low, and getting even lower. I guess that by April 30 we will have round 7 infections a day, which is not bad.
Don’t forget that Cyprus has been commended by the EU, and the WHO for acting quickly and strictly. And if these restrictions have been respected by all citizens, we would have been in an even better situation.
I think the advice of these economists should have been directed towards the citizens who have no respect to law asking them to obey so that we can get out of this situation much sooner.
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