Plea in SC seeking action against landlords pressuring students, labourers for rent during lockdown
A plea has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking action against the "arbitrary and unlawful action" of landlords demanding rent from students and labourers during the lockdown despite a government order to the contrary.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) had issued an order on March 29 which stops landlords from demanding rent from students, workers and migrant labourers for a month. Those landlords who force people to vacate their houses will face action, the MHA statement warns.
The order, issued under the Disaster Management Act, had said employers will pay their workers' wages on due dates without any deduction.
The petition filed by advocate Pawan Prakash Pathak and others, has sought implementation of the home ministry's March 29 order that no landlord will collect rent from the labour class and students for a month during COVID-19 period and those who violate it would be punished.
"Petition is being filled against the arbitrary and unlawful action of landlords in the state of