See today's roundup of coronavirus stats on a country-by-country basis
Ilyas Tayfun Salci/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
- Hello! Here is our daily look at coronavirus stats on a country-by-country basis, using data from the last 24 hours supplied by Worldometers.
- Today we will look at highlights from the most-affected countries including the US, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, and the UK.
- We're also going to take a look at Russia and Brazil, where the situation is becoming very worrying.
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The US: Plateau in new cases is still holding, which is good because it means that the disease is spreading at a roughly constant pace, not accelerating.
But there is no obvious decline setting in — which is worrying because 30,000 people per day are getting it. Unsurprisingly, deaths still occurring at a rate of roughly 2,000 people per day.
Spain: What a rollercoaster Spain is on. A good day yesterday, and let's hope those two recent days with high numbers remain outliers to the trend.
See the rest of the story at Business Insider
See Also:
- A comprehensive timeline of the new coronavirus pandemic, from China's first COVID-19 case to the present
- Tests that can tell if you're immune to the coronavirus are on the way. Here are the companies racing to bring them to the US healthcare system.
- Sobering photos reveal how countries are dealing with the dead left by the coronavirus pandemic