Govt should actively use DMF funds for fight against Covid-19: PRAHAR
The government should actively use unutilised Rs 23,510 crore district mineral foundation funds towards protecting lives and livelihood of people impacted due to coronavirus pandemic, a delhi-based NGO said on Sunday.
The NGO called PRAHAR (Public Response Against Helplessness and Action for Redressal) has urged the government to use the DMF funds mandated to be used under the Centre's scheme for mining-affected people for a bigger cause.
The DMF has been created in each district under the provisions of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Amendment Act, 2015 and falls under the purview of the Ministry of Mines.
DMFs are funded by statutory contributions from holders of mining leases.
Meanwhile, this call by the NGO is part of its NGO's 'National Movement for Livelihood Resurrection and Self Employment' in the wake of COVID 19 crisis.
According to data available on the Ministry of Mines website, a sum of Rs 35,925 crore has been collected in DMF funds as on January ..