COVID-19: 12-day-old girl tests positive in Bhopal in MP
A 12-day-old girl has tested
positive for the coronavirus in Bhopal on Sunday, with health officials stating that she may be the youngest COVID-19 patient in Madhya Pradesh.
She was born on April 7 and her father said it was possible she got the infection from a woman health worker who was on duty during the birth and tested positive later.
"The mother and the infant tested positive on Sunday," Bhopal's Chief Medical and Health Officer (CMHO) Dr Prabhakar Tiwari told PTI.
The girl's father said, "She was born in government- run Sultania Janana Hospital on April 7 and it was a caesarean delivery. Mother and child were discharged and came home on April 11. I read in the papers the next day that a woman health worker who was on duty during my wife's stay and delivery had tested positive."
"Suspecting that my daughter and wife had been infected due to this woman health worker, I contacted the hospital and doctors there but got no response. My child was examined at a health ..