Staying up late reading scary news? There's a word for that: 'doomscrolling'
AP Photo/Hans Pennink
- The coronavirus outbreak has led millions to spend their days at home under quarantine, and rely on the internet for communication with the outside world and entertainment to pass the time.
- Many of us have found ourselves navigating social platforms and news sites detailing death and destruction, while our eyes glaze over and our minds fail to absorb the information.
- There's now a term for that mindless habit: doomscrolling.
- Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
Dragging a bit today because you stayed up too late reading about all the gloomy implications of the coronavirus pandemic? A term has now emerged to describe this self-destructive behavior: doomscrolling.
Since my life under lockdown began more than a month ago, my daily routine consists of watching Netflix, working from my laptop, going on TikTok, and spending hours in a semicomatose state swiping through tweets and news stories about coronavirus.See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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See Also:
- The UK will release an app to track people reporting COVID-19 symptoms and to alert people they had contact with
- 'History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.' We asked top VC investors what they look for during a downturn and how to build great companies in a crisis.
- Trump said Apple and Google's COVID-19 tracing tech posed 'big constitutional problems'
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