If you want a good idea who will win in November, just look at this week's election in Wisconsin
Morry Gash/AP Images
- President Donald Trump and the GOP have fought for political power by making it harder for many Americans to vote.
- In Wisconsin, the GOP pushed to hold a primary election despite the dangers presented by the coronavirus pandemic.
- Despite this a liberal state Supreme Court nominee beat out the GOP-backed incumbent.
- So if Wisconsin is any indication, Trump will lose in November.
- Michael Gordon is a longtime Democratic strategist, a former spokesperson for the Justice Department, and the principal for the strategic-communications firm Group Gordon.
- This is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed are those of the author.
- Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
Throughout the lengthy, tumultuous election season polls have shown that Republicans have been confident about victory come November 2020, while Democrats have not. But based on recent developments it's becoming increasingly clear that Biden and many other Democrats will win.
Exhibit A is Wisconsin. The Packers state is arguably the most important contest for the fall campaign. The three states that tipped the election to Trump in 2016 were Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Both Michigan and Pennsylvania elected or reelected Democratic governors by larger margins in 2018 than did Wisconsin. And if the election does get decided in America's dairyland, the voters this week shined a bright light on where the country is headed. See the rest of the story at Business Insider
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See Also:
- Americans are giving up their freedoms to fight the coronavirus. We need to make sure the government gives them back.
- If Biden wants to win over Bernie Sanders' supporters and beat Trump, he needs to back up his promises with the right people
- Trump's coronavirus response shows he has one priority: himself